

TL Yeon on ADC Mid Meta: It’s a bit annoying. All the champs I play are being played mid lane

Izento 2024-07-31 09:05:22
  For the video version of this article, check out the link here Team Liquid continue their undefeated streak as they close out Week 5 of the 2024 LCS Summer Split against Immortals. Team Liquid look to have no glaring weaknesses or faults, both individually and as a team. Esports Heaven spoke with ADC Yeon to get his take on ADC's mid affecting his champion pool, changes in his and Corejj's play, laneswaps, and their upcoming matchup against Cloud9 I want to talk about Jhin within the meta. He's having huge priority now. Why do you think that is? I do think that the utility bottom laners at the moment are a lot stronger, is the main thing. And his utility is like one of the higher ones. Okay, so what do you think about the ADCs being in mid lane? Because obviously that takes away from your champion pool. So just what are your general thoughts about ADCs mid? Well, clearly it's a bit annoying because all the champions I play are being played mid lane right now. So then suddenly in one scrim there was like five AD carry bans and then my mid laner took one mid and then their [mid] took [an ADC] and then their AD carry picked first. So then there was just like, eight AD carries down. I'm like, well, nice. This is nice guys. That's gotta feel pretty bad. But I guess it's kind of cool though, cause now you have a flex pick option too. How does that work within the draft? Are you guys super open to constantly flexing and whatnot for ADCs? I think that it just depends on what your team has and what they play. I think that most AD carries just go mid these days, but if there's a good champion for a counter pick into one of the champions, you just swap it out. But for the most part, I think most of the AD carry mids are just staying mid. So I want to get your secret sauce on team fighting? So when looking at all of the ADCs in recent eras your team fighting stands out as some of the best that I've ever seen. And that's quite high praise considering I also thought Danny was one of the best team fighters I had ever seen in recent years too. So what is it about team fighting or the mindset that you go into when you look at a team fight? Because it seems like your target selection is insanely good as well as your ability to track cooldowns. What is your secret sauce for team fights? To be honest, I think it's just our structure and how we view team fights. I think we have a structured layout of how we teamfight already, so it's very easy. It's like, we just have like our own formation, so we just make sure we keep that. It's very simple. So there's nothing special about it. It's just easy to do because of our team. What about the idea of summoner spells for an ADC? I know it's probably the most important role for summoner spells as far as holding them. So how do you determine whether using a summoner spell is a good idea or not, especially in consideration before a Drake fight or whatnot? It just depends on how much I think I can get out of it and how much I can actually do with it. How much I can stand in forward. And then if I don't have it, then I just say, guys, I'm just going to display a little bit more back. I don't have my spells. I'll wait for you guys to do something. So, I also want to get your thoughts on working with CoreJJ. It seems like you guys are the best bot lane duo right now, but also in particular, it just seems like you guys have ramped it up quite a lot, especially for this summer split as compared to spring split too. So what has been different about your relationship with him? I just think that we work a lot together and we have a lot of communication and experience together. I think we have a very clear idea of how we wanna play together and how the lane should go, so we're very connected. So I think it's just very easy when you spend a lot of time with someone for a couple years, especially with other teams not having the same thing. Besides maybe FBI and Huhi, which have been playing for a pretty long time. So I want to get your thoughts on solo queue. I heard that you're a grinder, you play a lot of hours. As an ADC, I guess what value are you trying to take from solo queue? Because ADC is one of those unique roles to where your support is changing constantly in solo queue. So, how do you balance that aspect and expectation? I mean, solo queue is just trash these days. I mean, it is what it is. It's like completely–I won't say useless–but you have to go into solo queue with an actual reason behind going into it because it's very low quality. So my focus is playing different champions, just playing unique champions and trying them out over and over. And then just do what I feel, because it's very bad. You have to actually go into a specific reason to play. Yeah, too many one tricks. Yeah quality is pretty low because there's not many people in general. So macro for Team Liquid is world class, surprisingly, for a North American team. What do you think separates your guys' thought process of macro versus everybody else's? Well, I think we have very strong veterans in terms of like shotcalling and the way they want to play. So we all have a clear understanding. And there's also a hierarchy of macro calls. So it's very easy to have the same play, which is the most important thing. Strong-minded veterans, I would say. That's got to help, because I think Impact and Core were, I think some of the only active players right now that were around back when lane swaps actually happened. So how is that? I guess, the veterancy and guidance been for lane swap specifically? Well, because of that, we're like one of the best lane swap teams because we have so much experience on it and they have a lot of ideas on how it should be. So it's very easy. So finally, I want to get your thoughts on matching up against Cloud9. What are you expecting? How good do you think Cloud9 is headed into what, next week? I do think they're a top team, that’s about it. It's just the same old thing. I don't think they're anything special, but they've been doing well. In terms of, I'd say, meta defining. I think the most important thing is they actually know how they want to play their own game unlike last split, which is the main thing. So actually they will play better. What about specifically Berserker and Vulcan? I think as a duo, they’re one of the better top tier [duos], but I think Berserker's individual performance is very high. Just going to be an exciting matchup. _______________ Izento has been a writer for the LoL scene since Season 7, and has been playing LoL since Season 1. Follow him on Youtube for more League content. Photo courtesy of Stefan Wisnoski/Riot Games For more LoL content, check out our LoL section

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