This interview was conducted by @antdrioite on Friday June 24. Not all answers are verbatim and have been modified for the best reading format.
Q. Introduce yourself.
I’m the tank player of Creation esports, also captain and main shotcaller of the team.
Q. How long have you been a professional player?
For about 8-9 years now.
Q. Did you have any previous FPS experience before starting Overwatch?
I played TF2 for about 7 years. Overwatch was a no brainer for me. When OW was revealed I decided right there and then to quit League and go back to FPS games.
Q. How long have you been with Creation eSports?
About 3 or 4 months now -- before, I was with G2.
Q. And do you like the atmosphere in the team?
[ The ] team is great, chill group.
Q. Are there plans for a gaming house?
We don’t have one yet but it’s in the making, yes.
Q. Your team is fluctuating between 5th and 6th on the GosuGamers ranking at the moment.
Yes, but the GosuGamers rankings are a bit weird right now. We win vs. higher ranked teams than some other teams but they get the same or even more points for beating a team way down. It’s a bit of a mess at the moment.
Q. You played an NA tournament recently; isn’t that a bit of an issue?
We did one recently but decided to stop doing those. The timezones and ping are just too much of a problem. We played a qualifier and it lasted until 7 A.M. for us. So we’re done with that -- there are plenty of tournaments in EU anyway.
Q; Dumb question, NA or EU? Who is the best?
NA for sure -- C9 and Envyus are so good right now. I do think EU has a bigger pool of good teams and players, but NA definitely has the best teams.
Q. Let’s talk a bit about the meta. What’s your take on the current status after the recent Widow and McCree nerfs?
Really enjoying the meta at the moment -- no hero limit isn’t such a big problem anymore as it used to be.
...Except for the last point where teams use stall tactics with D.VA and Tracer. That is pretty sickening and a big enough case alone against no hero limit.
But it’s really interesting how team comps change often and that you can have a different way to do the same push almost every game.
Q. How is your overall standpoint on hero limit now? You used to be very vocal against no hero limit.
A week ago I would have said hero limit 100%. Now I don’t know where to stand anymore.
Right now most cheesy comps are easy to counter. It used to be just bad if you didn’t have double McCree, but now with the balance changes, most things are pretty fair.
Right now it’s more about countering than stacking one particular hero. If Blizzard keeps things balanced it should be okay.
Q. Did you try Competitive play? And what are your thoughts?
[ I ] Really think Blizzard is taking a step in the right direction with the mode. The new system looks a lot more fair. It didn’t used to matter how fast you won a map just that you won it. I like how much Blizzard listens to its community and feedback. I’ve played other games where it wasn’t at all like that. (I wonder which one).
I’m a fan of it and can’t wait to spam it when it’s released.
Q. Are there some rules you don’t like or want added in the tournaments?
Seeding has been an issue for some ESL tournaments. They’re not taking the GosuGamers rankings but rather their own from previous ESL tournaments. But not every top team plays those a lot so you end up with some weird brackets where Rogue is placed at the bottom even though they’re a top 3 team.
Hopefully Blizzard can help with that.
That will happen when they announce their thing and there will be more official tournaments.
Q. Is there enough experimentation in scrims?
We have to change up a lot since the standard comp got changed.
And if you’re failing pushes, you have to change up your team comp and find something that counters.
Counters are more important than ultimates themselves.
I think it will keep unfolding and slowly we’re going to see certain strategies being used more, but then somebody will find a counter to that, etc. Until we see more changes from Blizzard.
Q. I can probably guess this, but favourite hero?
Winston or Roadhog, for sure.
Q. Couldn’t help myself to ask this question: What do you think about KR?
I’ve seen some things from them, but their teamwork seems lacking. Individually they look good, but right now they seem a bit weak [ collectively ]. When they get more practice they might takeover the game but I’m excited to face them.
Thanks to Seb ‘Numlocked’ for the interview. Check out his twitter, twitch and youtube for more of his content and extra information and visit creation esports to see more of them. Wish him and the team the best of luck in the future.
@numlocked twitch.tv/numlocked https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1zbZQE6o3PaP38HP9UA9Cg