

ANX aMiracle: “I cannot compare the pressure I got in bot lane from ROX with G2”

CD-Mangaka 2016-10-03 04:06:46

Hello from the motherland. Albus NoX Luna once again came out strong in the group stages of worlds with a crushing victory of Europe’s G2 Esports. Coming out with signature picks like Brand support, Albus NoX struck hard and early, then closed with as much poise as a major regional team. Colin “CD Mangaka” Nimer spoke with Vladislav “aMiracle” Scherbyna, the AD carry, to talk about


Colin Nimer: I’m talking to Vladislav “aMiracle” Scherbyna after another exciting victory, this time over G2 Esports. You got to play against Jesper "Zven" Svenningsen and Alfonso "mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez, who many have said have the potential to be the best bottom lane in the west. What did you personally think going against that?


Vladislav Scherbyna: To be honest, I cannot compare the pressure I got in bot lane between ROX Tigers and G2, because it’s a different level. I had some problems against the Tigers, but I didn’t feel uncomfortable against G2. They are playing like… a default bot lane. I can say I had some performance issues, like getting poked a lot, but I tried my best and I need to improve. I guess I was comfortable against them.


CN: You did seem more comfortable as the game went on. You were taking more trades against Zven after you completed your first item and you were chunking him pretty low. Meanwhile, across the map your mid and jungler were diving Luka "PerkZ" Perkovi?, and top was holding its own. Although Kim “Trick” Gang-yun had a good game against ROX, your jungler, Aleksander “PVPStejos” Glazkov, has also been proactive and strong from the jungle position. What have you guys been doing to prepare for this tournament, because nobody expected this level from you.


VS: Actually, the first thing we did was play in North America a lot, so we got used to playing against good players. Our average level during our regional finals, then wildcard, then worlds, I guess was going up. Our jungler started to to play really aggressive, our bot lane started to play really aggressive, and our average level has come up during these last two months. So… I guess we are just on the next step from our last season when we lost in the finals to SuperMassive. I guess it’s just like some kind of progress for our team.


CN: Now that you guys have gotten this second victory, some people are looking at this team as one that could compete in the LCS, but probably can’t due to the visa situation in Europe. Would you like that opportunity to play in the EULCS?


VS: In terms of cash that you have in LCS, yes. Every player wants to play in LCS, but until we are able to be the number one European team, I guess I will stay in my region.


CN: I don’t know if you have looked at the other games from worlds yet, but have you seen something that explains why Europe hasn’t done well at this tournament?


VS: So… as I remember, Splyce were like bottom place last season, and then they made it to worlds. ‘Cause they have like four or five players that are new to competitive game, so they need more experience.


H2K, I guess, they have a stronger group then we have. I didn’t really watch H2K’s games, but we were playing against them sometimes. They felt like a really strong team, but I cannot say why they are losing. Their games were close, so… maybe they will adjust and come back next week.


And G2… I can’t really say why they are losing. Their performance at MSI was kind of the same. It’s not them, but I guess they have some mental block playing on the international stage.


CN: What is it like to lane with Kirill "Likkrit" Malofeyev? He’s an outgoing personality and funny. What’s it like to play with that kind of person?

VS: I’ve been playing with Likkrit for like… ten months, so I’m used to playing with him. At first, I had problems with his roams. He would go roam and I would be like, “what the fuck, I just want to farm in my lane, I want to win the game!” But during that time, I tried to adapt, so now it’s usual for me to lane 1v2, and though I’m losing by like 10 CS my team is getting two kills in mid lane. So yes, sometimes I’m tilting about that, because I’m taking a lot of pressure from the enemy bot lane, but if it is present meta against Ezreal and Nami if you go to other half of the lane by yourself you insta-die. I don’t know… I’m just trying my best to 1v2 when he is roaming. I need to adapt.

(Image courtesy of LoL Esports Flickr)


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