Invasion Esport had the following to say about their acquisition of KeeN:
We are very happy to announce that Keen has decided to join Invasion eSport. He will be completing our 2015 roster. He is going to remain in Korea for now and is going live with Super and DRG.
Invasion Esport is still a bit controversial among fans of Starcraft. Despite signing many players, fans are suspicious of the team due to their apparent lack of sponsors. Numerous teams have come and gone in Starcraft, many times mistreating players and letting the fans down.
Invasion Esports roster now consists of:
Park "DongRaeGu" Soo Ho
Romain "GenjiTakiya" Locquet
Koh "GuMiho" Byung Jae
Sebastien "IMComingHome" D.
Hwang "KeeN" Kyu Seok
Remy "Nanaki" Subrenat
Quentin "Quent" Genevois
Seo "Super" Sung Min
Theoder "Theo" Mikkelsen
Kim "TOP" Jung Hoon