Erberk “Gilius” Demir is following a long tradition of European Junglers who have left the EU LCS for North America. Surprisingly, however, is that he followed his Schalke teammate Hampus “Fox” Myhre to the NA Challenger Series and joined eUnited. Humble to a fault, Gilius and I chat about why he made the move to NA and what he thinks of his Jungle opposition.
After Schalke, why did you move to NA instead of taking EU offers?
I felt like my problem as a player was not my play but rather how mature I was. I thought that going to a new continent would be a nice adventure for me to grow as a player and as a person. Also the fact that Fox got the same offer made it much more attractive since I enjoy playing with him a lot. Lastly, I’ve always dreamed of playing in NA and I just felt like it was time for something new.
When you say maturity, what do you mean by that? Like, you didn’t have the right temperament for practice or something else?
Yes, that’s what I mean. I was not the best teammate I could have been. I just realized that League is really a team focused game and that I had to change myself to be the best jungler.
You've played against the likes of Jankos and Reignover, how do the NACS junglers stack up to the LCS level junglers you faced back in Europe?
When I came to NA, I thought that I would have an easy time in the Challenger series and then get challenged in the LCS in Summer. But I realized that the Challenger series is stacked with talented junglers who I never heard anything about and it's interesting to see how well they adapt and learn from their mistakes.We also scrimmed a lot of LCS teams and I actually feel like NA has better junglers than EU this Spring Split. In EU my only challenges were Trick and Spirit and in NA even the last place team has Chaser as a Jungler.
Speaking of NA LCS, is there a team you've scrimmed where you felt they are not doing in well on stage as they are in scrims?
I feel like Immortals is really hard to play against in scrims but they seem to have a hard time playing the same way on stage.
Who is someone who makes you go “what the hell?” in scrims?
With Dardoch, we have some interesting scrims. Usually he either goes 10/0 or 0/10 against me, so it's always a challenge vs him.
I think Reignover is still a really smart player and someone to look out for.
Do you think Reignover is just struggling with the carry jungler meta, or do you think there is more to it than that?
I don't think he has problems with the meta.The main thing in this meta is about having a good Mid laner who gives you control so you can play aggressive as a jungler. Reignover has one of the worst Mid laners. That's the reason why Reignover is struggling.
That's a fair point. What are your thoughts on the current jungle champion pool?
I think it's great the way it is. It fits my playstyle really well.
I kind of saw that coming. When I looked back through your career match history, you seem to really like the likes of Lee Sin and Rengar. But I saw some Jarvan back in your earlier days. Any chance we can see that return?
I hope Riot gives Jarvan some buffs. If that happens I will make him work again. But right now, his early game is too weak. In the current meta you need a strong early game as a Jungler to free up your lanes.
Currently, EUnited is sitting at the top of the NACS with eight points. There is a three-way tie for second between Gold Coin United, Tempo Storm, and Big God Jackals. Who do you think is going to take the # 2 spot?
Hard to say, honestly. I think Tempo and Gold Coin are on the same skill level. But I have a feeling it will be Gold Coin.
If you enjoyed this interview, follow the author at @Sagegnosis. You can follow Gilius at @GiliusLoL.
Image courtesy of Lolesports.