

Playing from behind – Elements vs SK Gaming

HeckMaister 2015-02-12 03:25:03

The sign of a great team, isn't just how many games they can win, nor how many times they can snowball small advantages. It's also how well they can play after losing a lead, and how well they can close out a game.

The start of the game went fairly well for SK. With the lane swap working in their favor, they managed to get Konstantinos "Forg1ven" Tzortziou ahead of Martin "Rekkles" Larson by a large margin. With the fast push and destruction of the top lane turret, Forg1ven was able to return to base and build a BF sword, while Rekkles was still trying to shove the waves up (Unfortunately for Elements, freddy122 on Azir managed to clear some of the waves and gain a cs lead for himself against Wickd, who was forced to follow shook in the jungle.) So it was Forg1ven's BF sword vs Rekkles' pickaxe, allowing the duo lane of SK to get enough pressure to get their 2nd turret of the game. 


Despite how well the bottom lane started off for SK, Elements had managed to repeat their pattern of their previous game against MYM, where they would use the Rengar and Lissandra's combined crowd control to lock down the enemy midlaner in various instances. One crucial catch by Leona's Solar Flare gives Elements 2 free kills and a dragon to follow, giving them the lead temporarily.


From this point on, SK understands that staying at a good distance from each other will reduce the capability of Elements to execute a wombo combo ultimate stack which would win them almost every teamfight. So once Leona's solar flare misses it's mark, SK re-engages the fight from different angles, forcing Elements to pick in which direction they should cast their spells (knowing full well that if they spread out all of their abilities, the chances of instantly killing enemies is highly reduced)

We notice that Ahri spirit rushes in to get the initial attention, while Jarvan is flanking from the bottom side and Forg1ven rushes in from the very same direction that Shook was running from.


So who can Elements focus? The farmed AD carry who is getting closer and closer? The mobile assassin who is hard to lock down? The main tank of the enemy team who is looking to lock down our team? or wait out too long and get blown up in an attempt to catch the incomming Azir?  It's simple, there is no correct answer. SK played that teamfight out beautifully, where Element's best possible outcome, was a few members surviving that encounter and picking up a few kills. 


(At 59:15 you will see the teamfight that ultimately cost Elements the game)

The teamfight goes horribly for Elements. Without Leona's ultimate or Rengar's ability to jump onto the back line, there isn't enough lock down for the primary damage dealers of SK. 

In short - SK turn to baron once the fight concludes and convincingly rotates from turret to turret knocking down objective after objective, gathering kill after kill, till they eventually win the game outright and end up securing themselves first place in the EU LCS with an impressive 6-0 start to the season.


VOD and screenshots courtesy of LoLeventVODs and LoL Esports youtube channels. 

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