

Week 2 of Amirdrassil RWF concludes: Echo finds victory!

DreXxiN 2023-11-28 12:54:55
  The latest World of WarCraft: Dragonflight race is over with Echo taking the throne in Amirdrassil. This was the closest race has ever been since the event has started to become streamed, being merely a few percentage points off between rival guild Team Liquid for nearly the entirety of the final day. Liquid and Echo are the only guilds to defeat Fyrakk on Mythic prior to the reset, with Method trailing slightly behind, and many other top 20 guilds not even reaching the boss yet. This marks the end of RWF for about a year or so, as guilds typically don’t tackle the “fated season” (season 4) with competitive vigor, as it simply adds a new flavor to pre-existing raids (much like Mythic Plus affixes.) It is worth noting in this race that almost all top teams used nearly identical comps, showing a unanimous agreement on class and spec strength, as well as showing how many raid slots are dictated by raid buffs. One noteworthy change is many top guilds dropping from using 4 Augmentation Evokers down to two; a good sign that the spec is either more in line with where it should be as the first and only “support spec.” While many are slating Amirdrassil as the best raid in years, it is not without controversy. While teams enjoyed the heightened Heroic difficulty, the war between addon developers alongside WeakAura programmers and Blizzard rages on. As Blizzard has put a threshold on what can be done, this has simply led to competitive raiding guilds creating private auras to simplify boss mechanics that otherwise would be a hassle to micromanage in the otherwise chaotic boss fights. Image Esports Heaven suspects Method will defeat Fyrakk shortly after reset. Stay tuned for more coverage.

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