During the weekend, Esports Heaven had the opportunity to interview Harsha Bandi, or simply Harsha as he is better known within the competitive Overwatch community. As an analyst, coach, journalist and a pivotal member of the scene, he offers a unique perspective on the World Cup committee and gave us his picks for US. ____ …
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Earlier this week, we had the opportunity to catch a few words from expert Fragmovie maker, paperC. He elaborates on the appreciation of the fan side as well as the creative side of making excellent Fragmovies. ____ How did you get into making fragmovies? I've played CS since I was 12-13. Fragmovies and moviemaking …
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With the announcement and return of the Blizzard’s Overwatch World Cup, I began to wonder how people may take the results as solid conclusions for strong and stout regions. This is just a dive into some of my own thoughts with support from others idea’s as well. I mean no harm and only wish to …
Continue reading “Volamel"e;s Viewpoint: Exploring the Comparisons of East and West”
The global meta heading into the 2017 Mid-Season Invitational has trended mainly toward one game mechanic: shielding. Riot has seemed to engineer the meta to this state gradually as Season 7 has gone on, buffing items like Forbidden Idol whilst releasing items like Redemption and making Locket of The Iron Solari a more viable buy …
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Last week, Esports Heaven got the chance to talk to BK Stars’ coach and Korean language caster for some of the western tournaments, Se-Hwi “NamedHwi” Go. Se-Hwi has been with the team for several months now and shows confidence in the team’s chances to do well in APEX S3. Author’s note: for the purpose of …
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The field of Hearthstone casting is a dynamic one and every year new faces emerge. In that scene, the United Kingdom is what seems to be an endless well of talent, from the like of Simon “Sottle” Welch and Alex “Raven” Baguley to the new vanguard of casters. A part of that new vanguard is …
Going from ending Summer 2016 fighting in the promotion tournament to retain their LCS spot, to ending Spring 2017 as the #3 seed going into the playoffs, Phoenix1 showed one of the biggest turnarounds in the LCS. As a new organization going into the 2016 Summer split, little was expected to come from Phoenix1, and …
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““Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in your sight. I am no more worthy to be called your son. Make me as one of your hired servants.” He arose, and came to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and ran towards him, …
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In the short three weeks it’s been on the air, the Hearthstone Global Games (HGG)—a $300,000 national competition which will broadcast team-based competition for almost half a year—has become the game’s richest tournament in terms of class and archetype diversity. Dozens of different decks have already been played, the meta evolving week to week and …
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