

Flame: “I"e;ve received coaching offers from almost every NA organization.”

Recent I got the chance to speak with the most underutilized analyst in all of Overwatch; Matt "Flame" Rod. We sat down and talked about the PTR, changes to Lucio, potential career moves and how he might change Overwatch if he were Lead Designer.   We will skip the fluffy pleasantries but, for those who …

Principled drafting from the Counter Logic angle

If you consider yourself a fan of drafts, you are presented with two mutually exclusive options. You can either be a fan of Zikz or you can, even if only in the privacy of your own mind, admit you have no soul. This is not a result of absolute dominance, but rather a pleasure obtained …

IMT Pobelter on NA Mid Laners ” I wish there were breakout rookies like Contractz, Akaadian, or Cody in the Mid Lane”

This week I got to sit down and talk to top-10 midlaner, Eugene "Pobelter" Park right before the most important weekend of the split. He talks playing against Cloud 9 and Phoenix 1, this upcoming weekend, and his teammate Dardoch.  Hey Pobelter! How are you doing after taking down Cloud 9 this past weekend and …

Meet the Koreans: LuxuryWatch Blue"e;s rocky boat

“Meet the Koreans” is a series of articles which aims to familiarize the less hardcore Western viewers with the Korean Overwatch scene. This entry is taking a look at the adventures the LW Blue roster have gone through to arrive at the point they're at and making a case for them as the eventual champions …

Volamel’s Viewpoint: Will Rogue be Faced With a Revolution?

July of this year marks quarter three of the financial market and the genesis of Blizzard’s Overwatch League. With one team on a meteoric rise, Rogue is back and streamlined to return to their former glory. Facing little to no rivalry, who can overthrow the French monarchy or will Rogue continue on their path of …

AKAWonder: “I wouldn"e;t abandon competing for streaming”

Esteban “AKAWonder” Serrano has been the face of Spain in Hearthstone for years. Starting as a small-time competitor, the Spaniard bloomed in 2015, qualifying for all three DreamHack tournaments he attended, becoming the first true Swiss king of the game (later succeeded by Frank “Fr0zen” Zhang in 2016). Nowadays, AKAWonder is a two-times major champion, …

Robert Paul, “You’re competing for the hearts and minds of the fans, and that’s done with more than just tournament wins.”

Photojournalism has been a controversial subject in esports for quite some time.  Not in the sense of drama, or juicy leaks, but rather, the tangible benefits photographers bring to the table and at what cost.     Do professional photos bring more value than meets the eye to the scene? Should any of us consider …

“Imagine” a World With No Observers – Hardball with Daniel “Imagine” Tompos

I am always talked about, but never explored. Everyone sees me, but at the same time, no one sees me. …and I am mandatory for Overwatch as an esport moving forward. What am I?   I recently sat down with Daniel “Imagine” Tompos, a leading Overwatch esports observer to discuss the hidden nature of observing, …

Numlocked: “…if Blizzard go through with those changes, we"e;re going to go back to deathball tank comps.”

This week I got to sit down and talk to legendary Demoman; Seb “numlocked” Barton about how NRG is doing after recent announcements, some of his history with Team Fortress 2 and his thoughts on the new Lucio PTR changes. _______ Mr. Seb Barton, how are you doing today?   Doing great, a little tired …

Ajax on Korea vs West: “I actually think Koreans are really overrated.”

Afternoon, Ajax, how is today treating you? Any big scrim blocks this evening?   It’s been a pretty good evening so far, just got done with scrims/streaming for the night. We played Tempo and Selfless. Selfless is always a great block for us, because we think they are a top NA team with their aggressive …


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