

Path of Gold: Exploring Overwatch’s Potential Royal Road

A Korean folk tale tells of Kings and Queens that traversed on a "royal road", a sacred road where only rulers may pass. Whilst traveling on the road, they were said to be completely invisible. A mimicked story comes from ancient Persia where king Darius the Great constructed a “royal road” where couriers would peddle …

IEM katowice will usher in a golden age of CS:GO

Written by Josh Raven ______   Predicting the eventual champion of the upcoming IEM Katowice seems like an almost impossible task. The guest list contains more potential champions than it does ‘filler teams’, and some of those expecting to challenge late into the playoff stage won’t even make it out of groups. Katowice brings together …

Classes go extinct as aggro decks tyrannize the APAC Winter Playoffs

It has been rough several months. Mean Streets of Gadgetzan wasn’t the dynamic tug-of-war that its concept suggested, where the three crime factions use their special mechanics to vie for dominance of the Goblin capital. The bitter reality turned out to be an aggro oppression, dictated by a handful of one drops and highlander decks …

AKM on Rogue"e;s return: “Our goal is to win everything possible.”

Bonjour, Comment allez-vous?   Hello! ca va tres bien, et vous? (Hello! It’s going well, and yourself?)   Hopefully the flight was well? How is Vegas treating you guys so far?   It was a 12 hour flight, so it was extremely long. It went good, I was playing on my laptop with uNKOE during …

"e;I don"e;t think I would compete while in school"e;. Harstem talks about moving forward after Invasion and more.

Kevin ‘Harstem’ DeKoning is at the forefront of the Dutch StarCraft 2 scene, and has been for quite some time. Kicking off his professional career in 2011 at the age of 18, Harstem has been a fan favourite since the very start. His consistently friendly persona coupled with constant gameplay displays of huge potential made …

We Four Kings: League of Legend"e;s History of Shot Callers

In the history of League of Legends, we rarely see players stay relevant within the scene for very long. The struggle of relevancy could be boiled down to numerous things, yet there have been players that have found success and relevancy in other areas. Leadership is something that players don’t do well — with upwards …

Finding Afreeca: A Historical Analysis on Aggression

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it. It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” – Confucius   Afreeca Freecs Blue erupted onto the Korean scene in the inaugural season of …

Before the culling: The talking points of Trinity Series entering elimination weeks

Some 180 odd games of Hearthstone later, ESL’s Trinity Series—the $150,000 team league that will look to crown a champion next month—is entering its sixth week of competition and with it heads are expected to roll. There are just two more matches remaining per team and literally each one bears meaning. Some teams will have …

Investigating the Afreecas mirage

RadoN’s thousand is a series of articles in which I give my opinions on a topic of my choosing in about a thousand or less words. This one was triggered by MonteCristo and DoA’s live broadcast discussion on the hype that surrounded Afreeca Freecs Red, even after the group draw of the tournament occurred. For …

coL.Shake: “Some players can pick up a game quickly, but may plateau early. “

With the Carbon Invitational starting on February 21st, I sat down with Jack “Shake” Kaplan support player for Complexity to discuss the Carbon Invitational, general view for supports, and the departure of Harbleu. _____   First I must ask; We have Jeff Kaplan at Blizzard Entertainment, We have Jason Kaplan of ESL, and yourself, Jack …


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