

[Documentary] World"e;s number one Jungler, ClearLove, 23rd birthday tribute feat. Misaya, Fzzf, Caomei, Aaron, San Shao, Deft and

Hailed as a national hero amongst Chinese fans and widely recognised as one of the best Junglers that have ever played League of Legends, ClearLove has built himself a resume that surpasses almost all the other pro players. From winning IPL 5 to the recent MSI, since his debut in 2012, ClearLove brought years of …

Is esports fandom increasing at the same rate as esports itself?

At what point are we losing track of the scene itself? This year has been an eventful year for esports in general. With Counter Strike Global Offensive introducing very high viewing numbers on streams, League Of Legends expanding all around the world (even introducing new tournaments in Japan) and Dota 2's The International amassing over …

Interview and tour of two of China"e;s top female gaming houses w English Subtitles

[Translation source: http://lol.15w.com/zt/lsj02/] Why interview a female team? “Do you know any coaches? My friend is trying to establish a female team. He needs a coach.” One of my good friends in the group asked me in QQ. Are female teams that trendy recently? With this question in mind, I asked some friends that are …

Interview and tour of two of China"e;s top female gaming houses w English Subtitles

Translation source: LoL.15w.com Please remember to turn on captions Why interview a female team?   “Do you know any coaches? My friend is trying to establish a female team. He needs a coach.” One of my good friends in the QQ group asked me. Are female teams that trendy recently? With this question in mind, I …

Team Observation – NA LCS – Dignitas

Team Observation – Dignitas   Preface: This series seeks to dig deeper beyond the obvious conclusions about a team from any given region in any given week of competitive League of Legends. The team I choose won’t always be the team that played the best game or the worst game nor the most entertaining games. …

Dragon: its current place and value in the meta

When I hear people and teams talk about 5th dragon as a win condition, I cringe. Dragon has changed; it doesn’t give 975 gold anymore, it’s not a strong side objective that you have to fight for around 10 minutes or need to sneak it early with Nunu/Udyr to get ahead. Dragon right now is something …

Godv Interview: all kinds of mid laners will flourish in the new patch

Yesterday, LGD comfortably defeated M3 in a 2:0 victory, climbing to fourth spot inLPL while gradually recovering their form. In these two games, Godv played very well and showcased two different types of mid-laners in each of his games, using Viktor and Diana. In his interview, Godv explained to the reporter that with the new …


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