

karrigan the "e;Conman"e;

karrigan has built his entire career upon a facade, hiding his true intentions from his teammates, opponents, and the community. karrigan managed to “con” FaZe, a notoriously aim-based team, into believing that they could use tactics, which has become a staple of FaZe’s game. karrigan has made opponents and viewers believe that FaZe possessed a …

OWL Pellets: Gangnam Magpies

It was a dark and stormy evening. The wind was blowing hard enough for the snowflakes to be falling upward and the bus was so crowded I could smell what the elegantly-dressed lady next to me had had for dinner. I was already annoyed at getting held up at work, before getting jammed in traffic. …

Lowko talks about his rise in the SC2 community, his hidden past in Runescape/Minecraft, and more!

Simon Heijnen is a man who has done the unthinkable. Swimming headlong against the wave of popular opinion that SC2 is solidly in decline, Simon Heijnen (better known as Lowko) has risen in popularity on YouTube and Twitch with primarily StarCraft 2 content.                 Lowko got his start during the Wings of Liberty beta in …

Letters for the Future Fan – Miraculous Youngster

Dear fan of the future, I am unsure who is dominating the Overwatch esports ecosystem when you read this, or who is quickly climbing the rungs of the competitive ladder, but I write to you today about a team that is long past your time. A team that is timeless in their story and their …

OWL Pellets Challenge – Detroit Defiance

Recently, I was tasked with making a mock Overwatch League team for Sideshow’s community event, the ‘OWL Pellets Challenge.’ Our stipulations were similar to the same rules for the Overwatch League; they must be 18 or older, they must not be retired, and they must not already signed by an existing Overwatch League team. As …

ZP on the South Korea vs. USA: “One of the best series to be played in Overwatch to date.”

Many games have their voices that the community immediately thinks of when it comes to the commentary of their respective game. Andrew "ZP" Rush is a serious front runner for that spot in Overwatch. With a competitive history in Tribes: Ascend, ZP is no slouch to FPS and quick gameplay, and caught on quick when …

Uprising Avast: “ […] Huk wanted a roster his coaching staff could mold.”

Beyond his love for all things sloth related, Connor "Avast" Prince is headed to Burbank, California to play with the Boston Uprising in the Overwatch League. A bit of an Overwatch veteran in his own right, Avast has played for classic teams such as, I’m Your Huckleberry, -bird noises-, Hammers Esports, and Luminosity Gaming. He …

Red Bull Battle Grounds "e;17 – Interview w/ Tempo| Alex Myers

Esports Heaven was able to chat with Tempo | Alex Myers at Red Bull Battle Grounds 2017. Among the topics discussed with us are keeping mentally and physically healthy while traveling and his hour-to-hour, day-to-day lifestyle, including meditation and training. _______ Interview conducted by Amanda "SageGnosis" Stevens Follow the interviewer on Twitter at @sagegnosis for …

Red Bull Battle Grounds "e;17 – Interview w/ Miky “Samurai” Chea

Esports Heaven was able to sit down with Miky "Samurai" Chea at Red Bull Battle Grounds '17 for an interview.  Samurai discussed the current state of Street Fighter V, what can be adjusted with Ryu in terms of viability, balancing practice with the professional life, and more. ______ Interview conducted by Amanda "SageGnosis" Stevens   …

In Every Team is Fnatic

2015 was dominated by Fnatic. Its once despised players won the hearts and minds of fans after winning nine tournaments in 2015. Evidently, they also won the hearts and minds of players as each team in the top four embodies the dynastic Fnatic. The man behind Fnatic’s game was pronax. pronax was not a skilled …


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