

100T Sniper on If He Thinks He Put Too Many Games on Riven: “I don’t regret it whatsoever…it got me rank one…it got me where I am today”

Izento 2024-07-26 07:50:42
  For the video version of this article, check out the link here 100 Thieves are currently down-trending, after a loss against Cloud9 during Week 4 of the 2024 LCS Summer Split, but the game wasn't without its bright spots. In particular, 100T's top laner Sniper got a solo kill against the C9's top laner Thanatos. Esports Heaven had the chance to speak with Sniper about his solo kill, regrets on playing Riven too much, and his ability to find flank angles. What is it about your playstyle and how you look for these angles for solo kills? What is it that you see that other people aren't seeing when it comes to exposing a different top laner every time? I mean, I think I just try to play as aggressive as possible in lane. And I feel like that's kind of how I just find my windows naturally. So the solo kill opportunity just came to me in the moment and I saw that he was just inting. He was trying to fight me. So I just punished him, got the solo kill and I just know in the moment. So it seems like 100 Thieves and particularly you are having growing pains on macro movements towards mid game and towards late game. What is it about 100 Thieves and also your own unique position in top lane where macro is kind of your guys' Achilles heel right now? That's a pretty good question. Our macro obviously hasn't been good at all, as you guys saw from the Cloud 9 game. We just had a lot of issues as a team at the moment, and we're just trying to fix those issues day by day. So, yeah, we're just trying to give it everything we can to just try and fix these issues as fast as possible, but clearly it didn't show today, so we just have to keep moving forward and just get our macro straight, you know? That's all there is. I like it because we were just talking about the PR answers before this interview (laughs). And that was one answer right there. I'm not going to bullshit you (laughs). That was one of those answers (laughs). I was hoping you didn't notice, bro. I was really hoping you didn't (laughs). I was trying to keep a straight face. I'm sorry. No, no, no. It's fine (laughs). Because what's funny is, for those that don't know, when we do these interviews, he also can't reveal too much because obviously other teams are going to [read] these interviews. So you got to play it a little safe. I get it. So River is like your team captain. But when the beginning of the season started, everyone was looking and saying, oh, well, this is kind of a weird hodgepodge group of players in the sense that, if River is the captain of this team, obviously English isn't his first language either. So how has it been, going over that hurdle of language barrier and yet River is obviously this macro kind of genius in a sense. So how has it been working with him in that regard? I mean, River has just been an amazing teammate. Even though we're 2-6 right now in the standings, we're at the bottom of the table, he's just been an absolutely amazing teammate. He's always just willing to work with me. individually and kind of just get me to the next level. So although English isn't his first language, he's trying his best to just communicate to me in English and it's just been like an absolute pleasure playing with River. So this is kind of like a surreal moment because back in the day when V1per was a player, your brother, I had interviewed him. One of the questions that I asked him, which I'm going to ask you now, is he was focusing on one-tricking and he was getting criticized for one-tricking for the same champion of Riven. And he had responded said, “if there's one thing that I could have changed, was how much time that I spent on that champion. I spent too much time playing Riven”. So, I'm going to ask the same thing to you, which is do you feel like you spent too much time on Riven or do you think that has any detriment towards your playstyle now? Definitely not and I mean, yeah I don't regret it whatsoever how much time I put in playing Riven as a champion because it got me to where I am today, it got me rank one and because of Riven that's how I got rank one, which meant I started playing pro because of that. So I don't regret playing Riven as much as I did whatsoever. It's kind of just like how much time I'm willing to put in these other champions as of right now, rather than just looking at the past and regretting something that has already happened, you know? So, I don't regret it at all. Speaking of the whole rank one thing, Srtty just beat the LP record, and I believe you were the one that actually beat the LP record before. Not anymore, actually. So you had done it before though, right? Like you had gotten, I think, the LP record in North America at one point? Yeah, I did. Yeah. So what do you think about Srtty kind of breaking the entire record? I think Srtty is a really good player. I respect him as a player. I think he deserves it, you know? Like this guy, he's going to college, he's playing Academy scrims, which is like four or five times a week while also managing to play solo queue and stream while he's doing that as well. So that's definitely a very big accomplishment from a player like him. And I think he'll definitely go places. He'll definitely be in the LCS by next year for sure. I think he's a good player. So finally, I want to ask you, I guess, what's the greatest piece of advice that you've gotten from your brother V1per when you entered the LCS? I mean, there's so many things my brother has told me to be honest. It's kind of hard to say what it was, but out of all the conversations we had, it would definitely be, just have fun, enjoy the moment, enjoy the process, and just try our best, you know? And I feel like I use that mindset every single day. And finally, I do want to touch on one thing, which I think is one of your biggest strengths that I'm seeing flesh out in the LCS, which is flanking. You seem to be really fucking good at flanking. What is it about flanking and finding these flank angles during team fights? How are you viewing team fights differently? I mean as of right now, I think my flanking has been just terrible. The game we played against Cloud9, the first game if I had gotten like one TP flank out we would have won the game from it, but because that didn't happen we lost so my flanking has been really bad as of right now. Last split it was a different story so now I'm kind of just relearning things. I'm just trying to find the angles that I should be finding you know. _______________ Izento has been a writer for the LoL scene since Season 7, and has been playing LoL since Season 1. Follow him on Youtube for more League content. Photo courtesy of Stefan Wisnoski/Riot Games For more LoL content, check out our LoL section

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