

Ashes of Creation: Development Update

EsportsHeaven 2024-07-14 08:06:23

Ashes of Creation, an ambitious MMORPG aiming for a dynamic, player-driven world, continues to make strides in its development. Recent updates from Intrepid Studios highlight key areas of focus:

Core Gameplay Systems

  • Server Meshing Technology: The development team is actively implementing advanced server meshing technology to facilitate a seamless, large-scale persistent world with minimal load times.
  • Node Wars: This central PvP and territory control system remains a core focus, with ongoing refinements to strategy, rewards, and overall balance.

Game World and Visuals

  • World Development: The game world continues to expand, with new regions and biomes undergoing development.
  • Visual Enhancements: The team is dedicated to improving visual fidelity through advancements in lighting, effects, and overall art direction.

Character Development and Progression

  • Archetype Expansion: The game's class system, known as archetypes, is being expanded with new options and abilities.
  • Progression Systems: The team is refining character progression, skill acquisition, and talent trees to ensure a balanced and engaging experience.

Alpha and Beta Testing

  • Alpha 2: Scheduled for Q3 2024, Alpha 2 will provide players with a more substantial look at the game's core systems and content.

Ashes of Creation continues to evolve, with the development team committed to delivering a robust and immersive MMORPG experience. For the most current information and updates, please visit the official Ashes of Creation website.


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