

Clearlove interview: Koro1 is receiving medical treatments, EDG will become even stronger

HyperST 2015-09-04 08:27:29

Q: Clearlove, please talk about your team's performance today.

Clearlove: The team performed pretty well. PawN and Deft performed outstandingly. The rest of us played mediocrely.

Q: Today Deft is sick, how did you guys overcome the difficult matches?

Clearlove: Deft played extremely well today. I think this had to do with him being sick. He played very aggressively today, which I think should be his style. Because he is sick, he couldn't think about other things in his head.

Q: What do you guys hope for going into S5 Worlds?

Clearlove: There is still a month before S5 Worlds. I hope we can use this month to get used to the patch, discover and develop some things, and prepare well for S5 Worlds.

Q: The two Jungle champions you used the most today were Skarner and Elise. What are the unique strengths of these two Junglers in the new patch?

Clearlove: Elise is especially strong for jungle invades, but her weaknesses lie in poor teamfighting and mediocre tanking ability. Skarner is a champion that is used to supplement a team comp. If we can get a very suitable and synergistic team comp., then Skarner's powers can be used to a great extent. He is a scaling/teamfight champion.

Q: Where did Koro1 go?

Clearlove: Back injury, currently receiving medical treatments in Guangzhou city. He will join us for future practices. AmazingJ also played pretty well today, so whoever gets to play at Worlds will depend on the practice performance.

Q: Meiko, you said before that EDG hasn't been in a great shape recently. Now you guys received the S5 Worlds ticket, do you think that you guys overcame these difficulties? What were the problems?

Meiko: Nope, looking at our conditions now, we still need to practice hard because recently our team hasn't been practice hard enough.

Q: Meiko, there has been some discussion amongst the netizens that you can't play from behind. What do you think about this view?

Meiko: Can't really do much from behind anyways, only thing I can do is to ward our jungle. There's not much I can do about it.

Q: Clearlove, you said before that if EDG struggles to reach Worlds, then the team will perform better at Worlds. According to the team's condition now, do you think EDG reached your expectations?

Clearlove: I think there are positive things (that come from struggling). When we first lost to LGD, we had already diagnosed our weaknesses and shortcomings clearly. And now we are trying to get used to the patch and fix our weaknesses. There is one month left until Worlds, if we can use this time properly to prepare well, then I think EDG will become even stronger.

Q: Which teams that already qualified for Worlds are the most valuable to research?

Clearlove: We will look at all the important matches from other regions. There aren't any teams we should focus on specifically because teams that have the ability to qualify for Worlds are all really strong.

Q: Who do you think perform the best in EDG today?

Clearlove: Deft and PawN.

Q: For the remaining teams from LPL, who do you think has the most chance of qualifying?

Clearlove: I think iG.

This is a translation of an interview for Chinese League of Legends site Wangyou that was translated by Steven Yu. The original interview can be found here.


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