

Godv Interview: all kinds of mid laners will flourish in the new patch

HyperST 2015-07-20 04:30:18

Yesterday, LGD comfortably defeated M3 in a 2:0 victory, climbing to fourth spot inLPL while gradually recovering their form. In these two games, Godv played very well and showcased two different types of mid-laners in each of his games, using Viktor and Diana.

In his interview, Godv explained to the reporter that with the new AP patch hitting the Chinese servers, “all kinds of mid laners will flourish...”.

Q: First of all, congratulations to you guys for taking this set 2:0. Recently LGD has been rapidly climbing the rankings, can you tell us how?

A: We aren’t climbing that fast (laughs). Recently our performances haven’t been on par, and this week we played mediocrely. We only earned 4 points in three of our sets. (Looks unsatisfied with this week’s record).

Q: M3 used to be a top 3 team while LGD had a lower ranking. Did you believe that you would defeat M3 before this game?

A: Yes, because we prepared our B/P and everything else fully. If we lost, it could only be that we did not execute our strategy and play well. Therefore, I believed that we could 2:0 them.

Q: M3’s Dade is a very famous player. What kind of special preparation you had in store for him today?

A: I focused my B/P preparations for his Azir and Viktor.

Q: We noticed today that there were always gankers and counter-gankers in the mid lane. Is that something in the two teams’ strategy?

A: This was due to lane swaps. Whenever top lane is in a position that cannot be ganked, normally the strategic focus will be shifted to the mid lane.

Q: Can you talk to everyone about smite Ezreal? Recently he became very popular, what is Godv’s understanding of him?

A: Take smite, rush Runeglaive, then build Luden’s Echo. As long as Ezreal manages to stay alive and accurately hit his skill shots, it’s very easy to carry.

Q: What are the weaknesses of smite Ezreal?

A: Very easy to get countered. He can only be used as a counter pick. If someone picks champions like Yasuo after you, then it would be difficult—Ezreal has a tough time facing assassins.

Q: Godv recently played a lot of Diana and carried hard on her. Can you explain to us how you play Diana and your experience with her?

A: I used to play Diana mid, and recently I wanted to use her. Actually I kind of like Diana. Diana is afraid of getting caught out early because if she got caught in the early-mid game it’s pretty much over. Therefore, I use TP on Diana to avoid losing experience and keep up in farm. Once I reach late game, it’s very easy to play her.

Q: Your Diana was very slippery when pushing lanes in the late game. Was it because of TP?

A: Yes, I have a level advantage because I am mid. In scenarios where I am split pushing in the side lane, usually I will have 2-3 levels advantage over the enemy top laner, which means naturally he cannot beat me. He would also have worse equipment, and that is why I can easily pressure the enemy top laner. Since I split push with Nashor’s Tooth, my attack speed is especially fast when it comes to taking down towers, and means I can easily take the game at 41 minutes.

Q: Godv used to like farming champions. Are you showing us a different style right now?

A: It depends on the champion. If I play assassins, then I will be more aggressive. But If I play Viktor and Orianna, then I will try to play safe and farm.

Q: The latest patch that hit the Chinese servers brought massive changes to AP champions. What is your understanding of it?

A: Early to mid game they will be stronger, but late game they will be weak. Late game AP items strength, synergy, and balance are not as good as before. I feel like all kinds of mid laners will flourish in the new patch. Maybe many underrated champions will be played competitively.

Q: Lastly, what is LGD’s goal for this season?

A: I think it doesn’t matter what team you ask, the goal is always S5 Worlds! (Laughs)


[Translation source: http://wangyou.pcgames.com.cn/534/5348939.html]


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