

Han “Peanut” Wan-ho: “Nobody is really hard on me, except the coach, but that"e;s in private.”

CD-Mangaka 2016-09-30 07:14:04

In their debut performance at the 2016 League of Legends world championship, the ROX Tigers caused some worry with a less than stellar early game against Albus NoX Luna, but took hold in the mid game by acting when Albus’ globals were down. Colin “CD-Mangaka” Nimer had the chance to chat with Han “Peanut” Wang-ho after the match to discuss his experience traveling, G2’s loss to CLG, and a little about the jungle.


Colin Nimer: I'm here with Han "Peanut" Wang-ho, the jungler for the ROX after his first performance on the world stage. I know you had a rough start than the team would have liked, how are you feeling now that the world championship has begun?


Wang-Ho:It was my mistake, but the team thinks it was a ridiculous mistake we wouldn't have made in practice, so it's just nervousness and match factors. We're not worried, it won't happen again, and we're overcoming it.


CN: That's something people have looked out with you. Whether at the summer or spring finals in LCK it looked like you didn't perform as well as you had in the regular season. I know this is your first time going abroad for international play before, but is it your first time going overseas ever?


WH:  It's my second time traveling abroad. My first time was to Thailand for three days. I'm not accustomed to traveling abroad, but I'm not pressured by those factors, like being in America for the first time. I don't agree with the implication that I'm weaker on the bigger stages, but I can say during the summer finals when the match went to game 5 I was pressured then. But not going abroad.


CN: In those games where you don't play as well as you think you could, who is the hardest on you: yourself, your teammates or the coach, NoFe?


WH: Nobody is really hard on me except for the coach, but that's not in front of the other players. NoFe will call me in privately and discuss other personal stuff and bring those up and discuss it, but not with a scolding tone. The hardest person should be myself.


CN: Coming into the jungle meta, we saw nerfs to Rek'Sai and Gragas, and now Nidalee is being banned every single game. Which junglers do you think are the best, and what junglers should teams personally watch out for you to get your hands on?


WH: I'm certain I can perform well with any champion, but particularly Elise or Nidalee.


CN: Are you going to be looking to have a cleaner game against CLG and G2? G2 lost pretty hard today; did you expect that to happen? And now that you've seen them play, has that changed who you are more worried about?


WH: Both teams are strong, but as the scrims go on the other players talk together, and the consensus was that G2 was better. But after watching that first game, CLG was getting their power spikes right, so now I'm more towards CLG.


CN: There's a lot of really good junglers at this tournament: Clealove, Jankos, and yourself. Is there a jungler you are looking forward to playing?


WH: I always answer this question the same: I don't have anyone in mind, actually I've never even thought about it. I'm more interested in winning the whole thing than beating anyone in particular.

(Image Courtesy of LoL Esports Flickr)

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