

IEM Katowice Team Profile: GE Tigers.

HeckMaister 2015-02-16 07:37:37

With the IEM world championships drawing closer, it's time we take a closer look at the teams that will participate at Katowice. Today we take a look at the undefeated GE tigers from the LCK. 

Formed by 4 ex Najin emFire players, one of the ex-coaches of Najin, and 1 ex-Incredible Miracle player, the GE Tigers found themselves with an unstoppable roster. I personally like to call them 'Neo Black Sword'.


Coach: Jeong "NoFe" No-chul


After retiring from competitive play in early 2014, NoFe moved to the coaching staff of Najin. NoFe's strongest asset was his mind for the game and shotcalling. His strategies and shot calling tendencies were reflected in the play of Najin White Shield. In addition to his shot calling, NoFe has always been great at planning out the pick and ban phase, being able to manipulate his adversaries to pick what he wants them to pick. 


Top Lane: Song "Smeb" Kyung-ho


Smeb was never labelled as a superstar top laner. His play on IM was by no means inspirational nor versatile. However since joining the GE Tigers, Smeb seems to have done a complete turn around on both his play style and his champion pool. From being a purely Riven player to becoming an absolute monster on Gnar, Rumble and Lulu, this allowed him to play exactly what his team needs him to be. 

Jungle: Lee "Lee" Ho-Jin



Coming directly from solo queue, Lee was put onto the Najin Black Sword roster last season. His progress during that season was remarkable but in the end, it wasn't as far as he needed it to be for Najin to maintain him as the starting jungler for their team. While it is early to call, half way through the spring split it's safe to say that Lee is the best jungler in Korea. His map pressure is unmatched and his jungle pathing is unique from game to game. 


Mid lane: Lee "KurO" Seo-haeng


After an incredible showing in the midlane of Incredible Miracle 2, KurO was drafted to Najin Black Sword when the team was going through it's renovation phase. KurO's growth has been extraordinary and shows how far a player can develop if given the resources and assistance to do so. From being a one trick pony Syndra player at one point in time, KurO has developed into a versatile player. He can play poke, initiation and teamfight just as his team would need him to do.


AD Carry: Kim "PraY" Jong-in


Once a legend in Korea amongst AD carries, PraY has returned to the highest level of competitive play, and it looks like he's not missed a beat. Just as aggressive in lane as he used to be, yet his teamfight positioning seems to have improved with time. He's reclaimed his throne as the powerhouse of the AD carries in Korea and is the first player to demonstrate Kalista's strength as a ranged carry. He is also the only AD carry in Korea to win as Kog'Maw this season. In fact, Kog'Maw currently has a 4-2 Win/Loss record in Korea, out of which PraY holds the 4 wins and none of the losses.


Support: Kang "GorillA" Beom-hyeon


GorillA started off as purely a great Thresh player on Najin White Shield. As time went on, GorillA became progressively better on a multitude of champion -- so much so that he re-popularized Janna right before the Season 4 World Championships took place. It was a bit strange to see GorillA being paired up with an aggressive AD carry in PraY, since GorillA spent over a year being paired up with Zefa (who was labelled as one of the most defensive AD carries Korea had ever seen). Not only did GorillA adapt to PraY's playstyle, they meshed together extremely well, making them the most feared bottom lane in Korea ever since the PraY/Cain combo of late 2012/early 2013.

GE Tigers introduced a new strategy to the scene: the "Jugger'Maw" strategy. In this unique approach to the game, the concept is one we have seen over the years: Protect the AD carry... but with a twist. Instead of peeling the back line where the AD carry would usually be located in a teamfight, the Jugger'Maw comp sets the AD carry to be the front-liner. Using multiple supportive champions in the composition (Such as a top lane Lulu as well as a Nami support), you essentially speed up and shield the AD carry, in this case being a Kog'Maw. With the speed, Kog'Maw runs forward and starts attacking the enemy team, drawing all attention towards him. When everybody attempts to jump the carry, he immediately gets shielded and healed by the supportive champions on the team, making him into a pseudo tank with immense damage. 


Video and screenshots Courtesy of TVOngamenet's youtube channel.

Image of NoFe courtesy of Inven.

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