

IG Interview: we will make foreign teams live under iG’s shadows

HyperST 2015-09-10 05:18:50

Interviewer: After the hard work from many of iG’s team members, boss Wang can finally breathe easy. Did your boss reward the members out of a good mood? Can you reveal to us what the bonus was?

iG team: Boss was very happy. He gave all the members a big red pocket. The total amount won’t be less than the prize draw pool for the Weibo fans.

Interviewer: As the only native Chinese ADC representing LPL at Worlds, Kid has been looking great recently. What has iG done recently that paid dividends? Is there anything Kid wants to share with the fans that like to play ADC?

iG team: In the past, the “443 incident” affected him a lot. (Translator’s note: a game where Kid only did 443 damage on Vayne.) He adjusted his conditions for a period of time, and finally found himself after subbing for a few games—walking out of the shadow of the “443”.

Interviewer: Looking at the past voice comms., iG doesn’t seem like it has any specific shotcalling. But recently it seems that Kitties took on the shotcalling role. Was it related to iG’s recently improved performance?

Kitties: Not really, I only say things when it is necessary during team fights, such as clarifying calls of focus fire, and calming down calls of retreat and target protection.

Interviewer: Zztai, currently your Fiora is unstoppable. Can you name three champions that Fiora may be a bit afraid of when facing?

Zztai: Fiora is really strong this patch. The only one she is afraid of is Lissandra. Riven has a chance depending on the control. Honestly, Vayne is also hard to play against ,but not many plays her top.

Interviewer: iG rapidly rose at the end of the season. Aside from the players adapting to the patch, has this got anything to do with the coach? What does the iG coach do on a daily basis, specifically?

iG team: It was related (to the coach). Previously, we always came out at a disadvantage during pick and ban. But after adjusting a bit during scrims, it got a lot better. Our coach also tested out new strategies and champions during scrims. When we didn’t have scrims, we watched the vods of other teams and researching ways to focus them during pick and ban.

Interviewer: Rookie, everybody knows that you like to sing. You usually sing a lot of Jay Chou’s music. How many of his songs can you sing? Which song is your favourite? Have you met him in person during the regionals?

Rookie: Hehehe, I know a lot, such as “?????”?”????”?”???” and more. I only saw him on the broadcast during regionals because of matches and practice.

Interviewer: Everybody calls iG the “Mandarin training camp”. How are Kakao’s and Rookie’s Mandarin skills right now? Can they communicate with their teammates not only during game but also in daily life? Whose Mandarin is better?

iG team: Both of their Mandarin skills are pretty good. Rookie’s is a bit better. Rookie can already type Chinese to his teammates in game. He can also sing Chinese songs and communicate with his teammates in Mandarin casually without any pressure.

Interviewer: Everyone knows that Lee Sin is one of Kakao’s signature champions, but he hasn’t used it in a long time. ClearLove, TBQ, and other well-known Junglers have all used him recently, but we want Kakao’s Lee Sin the most. Will we have a chance to see Kakao use him during S5 Worlds?

iG team: There is definitely a chance. It depends on whether Lee Sin fits the team comp. because he is a lot less useful late game compared to Gragas, Rek’Sai, and so on.

Interviewer: Kakao built Sightstone and Aegis in almost all of his matches recently, providing a great amount of support for teamfights. Can you tell us how he is able to change so drastically?

iG team: He is only a tanky Jungler. After patch changes, he cannot play carry Junglers like he did before. He realized this and thought more about the team instead.

Interviewer: This patch lets a player like Zztai, who can output a lot of damage, to play many mechanical top laners. Has Zztai been continuously increasing his champion pool? More surprises for the fans?

iG team: Zztai plays a wide variety of champions regularly, but it depends on the team comp. The priority is stabilitiy in lane.

Interviewer: This patch is a huge buff to your usual strategy of 4-1 split push. We also got to see iG performing well in their current form. But there are still a few patch changes before S5 Worlds. Have you guys prepared any new strategies for S5 Worlds?

iG team: Everybody is waiting for the new patch. We have discussed many strategies, but we have to wait until after scrimming on the new patch.

Interviewer: Can you name a few teams that will be difficult to face during S5 Worlds?

iG team: The other two Chinese teams, SKT, Fnatic, and CLG.

Interviewer: How do you guys plan to improve yourselves during the last remaining month?

iG team:  We first gave all the players a week of vacation, relax and waiting for the new patch. After that we will practice a large amount and test out how the new strategies and changes impact our system.

Interviewer: What is your aim for S5 Worlds? Finals or Champion?

iG team: Our goal is to make foreign teams live under the shadow of the powerful iG once again.

Interviewer: Will the iG players jump ship from ZhangqiTV to the boss’s PandaTV?

iG team: We will decide after we fulfill our contracts with ZhangqiTV.

This is a translation of an interview for Chinese League of Legends site Carry6 that was translated by Steven Yu. The original interview can be found here.


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