

Interview with the rookies of Team Snake: actively preparing to take down EDG

HyperST 2015-08-27 09:12:28

Today, we interviewed the two rookies from Snake that blossomed during the Summer Split, ZZR and Martin. Let's take a look at what they have to say.

Q: As a Jungler, do you have anyone that you are actively trying to surpass? Which player do you respect the most and why?

ZZR: EDG.ClearLove. I have liked him since before I became a pro player. He is very strong.

Q: In the Summer Split, the netizens all say that you are the most attractive rookie player and you charmed many female fans. What do you think about their comments?

ZZR: Overpraised, overpraised. But I am still very happy. I haven't been praised in a long time ^^.

Q: After competing with some of the best Junglers in the Summer Split, what did you learn from them?

ZZR: Too much to be expressed accurately in words. But I definitely learned many things that I could not have learned from playing Solo Queue. The most important lesson was have a purpose for everything I do.

Q: Are you satisfied with yourself at the end of the Summer Split? What areas do you think you still need to improve?

ZZR: Not satisfied. I am still not good enough. I need to continuously improve my awareness and my communication skills. I need to know when to farm and when to gank like ClearLove.

Q: What is your goal for the next season?

ZZR: Become just as strong as ClearLove. This has always been my goal.

Q: As an ADC, do you have anyone that you are actively trying to surpass? Which player do you respect the most and why?

Martin: My goal is to become the best ADC. The player I respect the most is Imp because he is too good.

Q: As an ADC, what do you think is your style and your strengths?

Martin: I think I lean towards more of a safe and consistent style. I will do whatever my team wants me to do. If the strategy calls for it, I am willing to sacrifice my scaling, but I can also work with the Jungler to create an advantage bot lane.

Q: Are you satisfied with yourself at the end of the Summer Split? What areas do you think you still need to improve?

Martin: I think my Summer Split performance was ok. I can continue to improve my consistency.

Q: As an ADC, do you think this patch is good or bad for ADCs?

Martin: This patch kind of favours ADC. All we have to do is follow our teams’ rhythm.

Q: On Sept. 4th, Snake will have to face EDG in the S5 Chinese Regional Qualifiers. Do you have anything to your fans? Also, cheer for your team a bit.

Martin: Despite the opponent being world champions (note: MSI), we won't give up easily just because we are not the favourites. Since we entered the match, we will prepare our best to take the game.



This is a translation of an article for Chinese League of Legends site Wangyou that was translated by Steven Yu. The original interview can be found here.


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