LGD-Gaming recently did an AMA on the Chinese League of Legends web community, NGA. As the current LPL champions, let’s see what they have to say.
Q: A-bro, do you know who (a certain caster) is?
A: Yes, we are just friends
Q: What do you think about roster rotation (top lane)?
A: Pretty good
Q: How do you rate Looper’s skill level? Would you do better in his position?
A: Very strong. I could do better though
Q: What do you think about the dim sum/junk food in China? Anything you really like to eat?
A: Not bad, nope
Q: I heard that you will transition into a coach after this season. Is this true?
A: After retirement, no plans at the moment
Q: Do you like carry top laners (Irelia, Rumble) or team fight top laners (Maokai, Nautilius)?
A: Carry type
Q: In terms of game tempo currently, what should the top laner focus on?
A: Self-scaling and assisting the team
Q: What do you think about the roster rotation (top lane)?
A: Club’s decisions, I don’t think about it
Q: I want to ask TBQ, how you become so cool!
A: I don’t know, hehe
Q: Teach me how to do the fastest Lee Sin Sonice Wave, ward jump, Insec kick.
A: Stay single for 30 years
Q: Are you confident in your S5 Worlds champion pool?
A: I have confidence
Q: Will the new patch Elise make you stronger?
A: Yes
Q: What do you think of Godv’s performance in LPL?
A: Top 3
Q: What should Lee Sin do when the team is at a disadvantage?
A: Build tanky, find opportunities to start teamfights
Q: Your new hairstyle is very cool. Thought about continuing to change your hairstyle?
A: Yes
Q: Many Junglers were forced to play to ClearLove’s tempo in the early game. In the patch where Elise got buffed, how do you think you can prepare for ClearLove’s counter gank?
A: Cannot fully prepare
Q: Which mid laner in LPL do you feel the most pressure when laning against? Your top 4 rankings?
A: pawn, rookie, U, cool
Q: What is your favourite champion? Orianna? Diana?
A: Talon
Q: Have your hands recovered?
A: A lot better now
Q: How do you rank TBQ in LPL?
A: Top 3 Jungler
Q: Can you play Yasuo? Of course you can, why don’t you use him?
A: Yes, depending on the team comp. He gets banned a lot.
Q: Do you guys practice often with LCK teams? How are the results? How are the scrims different than with LPL teams? Which LCK player left you with the most impression?
A: Not many scrims with LCK teams due to high ping.
Q: What kind of melon seeds do you like? Butter or spiced?
A: Both.
Q: Talk about “funny guy” three purpose in daily usage?
A: funny, funny, funny
Q: Why are Azir and Diana players building Nashor’s Tooth more often? Is it for pushing lanes with Diana and more time to farm, or because it got buffed?
A: The fast attack speed on Nashor’s suits these two champions very well.
Q: Now for a very important question. Godv, can you change your mic when streaming? Your mic quality is really bad full of static noise.
A: Changed already.
Q: There is going to be changes to Abyssal Scepter. Will this affect Diana a lot?
A: Not bad.
Q: Godv, why can your Yasuo counter Ekko?
A: Because I am strong.
Q: What do you think of pyl?
A: Really strong.
Q: Do you think your bot lane is stronger than Meiko&Deft?
A: Yes, we are stronger.
Q: Do you like the flavour of Chinese cigarettes or Korean Cigarettes? Do you like pyl, mata, deft, or doubi (cat)?
A: About the same. Doubi.
Q: When playing 4protect1, if the team wants the Support to roam, but you need him to help you farm well in lane, which one do you choose?
A: Make sure I scale well.
Q: If you switch teams with Deft, which team you think will be stronger?
A: The team I am on.
Q: Have you played Landlords (popular card game in China) against Dandy?
A: Nope
Q: Where are the best places to ward for the most amount of information, and which spots are to discover?
A: Tri-brush, and enemy team’s Red/Blue buff side bush.
Q: In S4, you never swapped lanes with XQ. But you always swap lanes with Imp in S5 despite being stronger in lane. Is it because now that you are stronger in lane you have opportunities to roam more often?
A: Imp has always chose to scale by himself since his Samsung days. Lane swaps better suit bot lane scaling and setting up strategies in game.
Q: Aside from Alistar what is your favourite champion?
A: Brand
Q: UZI or Imp?
A: Imp
Q: Where do you rank in LgayD (Karaoke)? Give me the ranking for the top 3 singers!
A: Should be #3. Me, Godv, tbq, not including Koreans.
Q: In recent games when you were ahead, you built Zeke’s Harbinger. Would it still be better than Mikale’s if the enemy team doesn’t have many CCs? Zeke’s may not be effective in early duo roam scenarios synergizing with the Jungler.
A: Depending on how the game goes. Zeke’s Harbinger can output a lot of damage due to Imp being really strong.
Q: Will you still be using Alistar in future patches? Who are the other top tier support champions in your opinion?
A: Yes. Bard, Alistar, Braum, Thresh.
Q: Is it necessary to heavily ward your enemy’s jungle for offensive purposes? What do you think about Sona in this patch?
A: Ward locations depending on how the game goes and how the lane goes. Sona is very strong.
Q: Your dream of entering Worlds finally comes true. What is your goal? Semi-finals or champion?
A: Champion.
Q: Any teams outside of LPL that LGD want to face? Any players specifically?
A: We want to play against every team to see their style.
Q: Does LGD have ample confidence and preparation to win the S5 championship?
A: We have confidence.
Q: I think LGD have the ability to win S5. But against strong teams like EDG, LGD should use more of an aggressive style such as 4-man ganking TF mid. Or will you guys use more of a conservative style like playing around Orianna? Which style do you guys think will be more effective?
A: Use more of an active/aggressive style to take the momentum.
Q: Acorn and Flame. I want to ask the coach, which player adjust to the top lane role fastest and provides the most contribution to the team?
A: At the moment Acorn suits the top lane style and requirements better in this patch.
Q: When Chris was at Royal Club, he did not focus on top laners. For example, in S3 Worlds he got destroyed by Impact’s Jax 3 games in a row. Now the LGD has top tier top laners, Acorn and Flame, has Chris practiced using the top laner as the core of a double- or triple-threat team composition?
A: We have tested it before. It doesn’t suit the patch and our team’s style very well.
This is a translation of an AMA for Chinese League of Legends site NGA that was translated by Steven Yu. The original AMA can be found here.