

LGD"e;s last stand secures first place for KT rolster, OG staggering slightly. Worlds round up day 7

Antdrioite 2015-10-10 08:00:39

Today wasn’t about who would get out of group D, but which team would get out as first seed. The chances of both LGD and TSM still making it out of the group were so small that nobody is surprised who got out of the group today. Most games were enjoyable to watch and it was great to see LGD have some fire in them even after not making quarterfinals. Let’s take a quick look at all the games.



OG got to start of the day against their weakest opponent and, with a win here, would secure their quarterfinal spot. Much was on the line for both teams since TSM needed every win they could get if they wanted even a shot at making quarterfinals.

Bjergsen surprised with his old Syndra pick and TSM overall actually out-drafted OG in the P/B phase. Going into the game, TSM started off strong with solid turret pressure and a few picks, but didn't pressure enough around the map. Origin acquired drake after drake uncontested and were able to sneak two barons while TSM was running around the map, figuring out what to do. A combination of WildTurtle and Dyrus getting out farmed and better shotcalling for OG kept the game from swinging into TSM’s favor, and it looks crisp even in the last team fight around baron, but TSM couldn't secure it for themselves and the long death timer on Santorin sealed the game for OG, securing their quarterfinal spot in a shaky but overall dominant game.




Flame joined the ranks for LGD, a move where even if it would work, the call was probably made a bit too late. LGD had the weirdest draft, however and let KT have Mordekaiser and Lulu, and Ssumday was able to show off his Renekton into the Darius of Flame. TBQ picked Eve, an invisible champion, and was roleplaying his champion very poorly. KT knew where TBQ was in every stage of the game; when he tried to make a play, he got immediately countered. KT took a good 40 minutes to close the game out against the Anivia defense of GODV, but did it with only making one sloppy mistake. LGD was not looking any better in their 4th consecutive loss at worlds and KT capitalized on it, securing their 3rd win.



The last chance for TSM: do or die, lose this and you’re out. TSM let Nagne have his Azir with them picking up the Veigar as a counter, a pick we have only seen from NA teams so far. The game started slowly, but a nice double Teleport from TSM gives them a 4-1 kill lead, putting Bjergsen is in the driver's seat to carry TSM. Ssumday won’t have any of this and starts ramping up kill after kill, the last pick Olaf working very effective to counter Veigar. He continuously found openings to flank Bjergsen, or the rest from TSM.

Nagne also stepped up big today and wanted to wash off his bad image from last week, having multiple great Azir ultimates to engage or block TSM and securing resets for Arrow. Clever picks from Bjergsen keep TSM in the game, and they even manage to secure the first Baron, almost ending the game in a win for TSM. Disaster strikes when TSM began pushing the second inhibitor of KT; a bit of poke from Nagne’s soldiers and the rocket from Arrow seal the deal. The frontline melts and Bjergsen gets snagged up by Ssumday’s TP. One straight push through TSM’s untouched base ends the game in favor of KT



A much better showing was displayed in Flame’s 2nd game. LGD drafted a strong composition and they were playing something they were very adept at. GODV's Diana ran Teleport and Imp was able to bully out Niels with Graves. LGD out-pressured OG across the map with better Teleport usage and GODV brought us back to his incredible Diana performance he'd been known for domestically.

Every time OG put a foot in the game, LGD pressured even harder and won skirmish after skirmish. Even though it was too little too late,  LGD fans rejoiced as we got to see the LGD everyone expected to see at Worlds. LGD closed out the game without issues and made it a bit harder for OG to get out of the group as first seed. Something every team wants to avoid is SKT in the quarterfinals.

OG vs KT


The winner of this game now automatically places first in the group; no tiebreakers needed... and what a game. KT didn’t want to be outplayed around the map again and brought four globals. Shen support isn’t really a Korean pick, but Piccaboo proved he could play whatever his team needed him to play. OG fell behind very early and it only became tougher after level 6.

  Four globals meant every fight they took or every push they committed to, they'd get countered. Soaz was also having a really hard time against Ssumday and the game started tilting heavily into KT’s favor. Overaggressive dives from KT kept OG in this game for quite a while, but KT always remained in control with a gold and turret lead. KT eventually closed out the game with another stellar performance out of Ssumday and Piccaboo.



A game with nothing on the line but pride -- LGD have some fun in champopm select with Imp on Vayne and GODV on LeBlanc. Message received: this game will be bloody, and it was. LGD steamrolled over TSM with better skirmishing, flanks and outplays from the Vayne master himself. LGD won the game, but all the attention was focused on Dyrus. He just played his final professional game after a long career. A standing ovation and an emotional interview that was well deserved was granted to the legend in the top lane. Group D was the group of top laners, and it sure delivered.


KT and OG will be tough contenders for most teams in the quarterfinals, but they’ve shown themselves to be vulnerable. Both teams are much better in the BO5 format, but can definitely be punished. While nothing can be done about LGD’s slumping group stage, one must wonder how this group would have turned out if they were as active last week as they were today. However, this shows yet again that even the best can crumble under pressure and a strong supporting staff is needed to be the best.

While Soaz had problems with the Korean top laners today, Bjergsen proved himself once again and showed up big. He had tried so hard to get more wins for TSM, but in the end, League of Legends is a team game, and no person can win on his own.  

Thanks for reading and be excited for tomorrow's games, which should be the closest group of all!

If you enjoyed this content, feel free to follow the author at @antdrioite. Images courtesy of the LolEsports stream.  

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