

Misfit’s CWoosH on transitioning to Main Tank: "e;Yeah, it"e;s too easy for me"e;

Volamel 2017-09-22 05:31:36

Misfits are 6-0 (23-2) in the Overwatch Contenders Season 1. Their dominance has gone unchecked for the entirety of Overwatch Contenders. The league itself is quickly reaching its climax with the Season 1 playoffs in October. The one team leading the European front has been the Miami-Orlando Misfits. Their main tank, Johan "CWoosH" Klingestedt sat with Esports Heaven and discussed Misfits performance, his time during the World Cup, and more!



Thanks for taking some time out of your day CWoosH! How are you this evening? How’ve scrims been going?


Hey! I'm all good, just got done with scrims and then beating Zebbosai and the boys in Golf It. Scrims are going really well today so I'm very happy!


Zebbosai and the boys need to step up their golf game it seems like, eh? Hahaha. Something that has been a bit surprising for me at least was your switch from quite a good DPS player to now main tank. Could you talk a bit about your experience with the switch?


Yeah, it's too easy for me ;).   I switched because the boys in Misfits believed that would be the best for the team and they had faith in me. It was rough in the beginning for sure, but I stuck to it and kept grinding and taking feedback from my teammates and other tank players that helped me along the way. It's also really fun for me to try something new and fresh!


Here’s a question for you; there has been some debate on whether the Mercy changes have impacted the game in a negative light. What are your thoughts on the new Mercy and how she’s changed the game?


I'm not sure how to feel about it yet, it makes Mercy more interactive and fun to play, also harder to play because there is a lot of thought into playing her now, such as when to Resurrect, who to Resurrect, positioning because now you have to stay in the fight all the time. I do agree that she still may need some tweaks, she basically makes picks on important targets not as impactful (i.e I killed Zarya, who has Gravition Surge. Just kidding, Resurrect her, we win the fight). I also have some concerns about spectating it, the fights are so long and drawn out if both Mercy's are alive and have ults and it could get confusing.


Now, could you talk a bit about your time in Sydney with Team Sweden during the Overwatch World Cup? How was your time in the land down under? Was there any team that surprised you?


Sure, it was so much fun, especially since the hotel was a casino as well. Shoutout to Zebbosai and Linkzr for giving me luck in roulette. Sydney overall is a beautiful city with a lot of kind and funny people, sometimes it was hard to understand what they said though cuz they use a lot of slang words. The tournament was spectacular, the crowd was amazing and I loved competing on that stage. I'd say Portugal was the team that surprised us the most, we didn't expect them to put up such a fight, but I guess that under the leadership of Greyy and Mowzassa, anything is possible.




Seeing how you’re already in Los Angeles for the LAN playoffs Overwatch Contenders Season 1 and you have BlizzCon shortly after that, what are some of the things you're excited when you travel to the US? Any sites in particular that you’d want to see?


I'm so hyped, it will be my first time in the US. I'm not sure if I'd have the time to go sightseeing but I'd love to. I don't really know what things I would like to see because there are so many, but IF I find the time I would like to walk the Hollywood Boulevard while I'm in LA and when I get to Anaheim it would be to go to Disneyland.


Speaking of Contenders, Misfits has been incredibly dominating during the regular season. What do you think contributed the most to your teams insane run leading into the Playoffs?


We have an incredibly talented and flexible roster, and we have good teamwork, and communication.


Could you talk a little bit about your match with GamersOrigin in Week 4? Why, in your mind, do you think that game was so close?


Sure, they have Leaf who is an excellent Doomfist, who knows the ins and outs of that hero and we didn't deal with Leaf very well, we approached it the wrong way I think.


Awesome! Before we wrap things up, what's your opinion on Doomfist currently? Is he more or less viable based more on the map now or do you think he will not see too much play with the upcoming Mercy changes?


I think Doomfist is gonna fade out of the meta now, you can't reliably get a pick anymore and also Junkrat is a thing now, which is kind of a counter to Doomfist.


Again, thanks for stopping by and chatting for a bit, let the people know where they can find you and what's next to come for CWoosH.


Thanks for having me! You can find me on Twitter @cwooshOW. Next is our last game of Contenders against eUnited then off to the US to win the LAN.


Joseph “Volamel” Franco has followed esports since the MLG’s of 2006. He started out primarily following Starcraft 2, Halo 3, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. He has transitioned from viewer to journalist and writes freelance primarily about Overwatch and League of Legends. If you would like to know more or follow his thoughts on esports you can follow him at @Volamel.

Images courtesy of Blizzard Entertainment and @tempusrob



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