For those who don’t know, Isaac “Pekin Woof” Marconis is a spectacular mid laner that is currently playing in the NA Challenger Series under Big Gods Jackals, a Brazilian organization with names you might know like Fabbbyyy and KonKwon. Pekin Woof has played on many teams like Dream Team this past year, and Team Coast back in 2015 where he was promoted to the LCS after beating team EnemyGG in an explosive 3-0 sweep, yet never got to hit the stage for the upcoming LCS season. Tonight he plays against Delta Fox, Echo Fox’s sister team in the NACS
Hi Pekin, great job on the 1-1 last week with Gold Coin United, a team that many had as a favorite to take the 2-0 with huge names like Fenix, Madlife and Santorin. You almost pulled out the 2-0 yourselves but weren't able to in the end. This week you face Delta Fox, how do you think you and your team will do?
I think we have great chances to 2-0 Delta Fox if we focus and play our game. We play extremely well early game but we are inconsistent for transitioning it into the later parts of the game. I'm confident that we have a great chance to make playoffs this split.
That will definitely be a match to watch, I hope it goes well! How do you think the mid matchup will go between Damonte and yourself?
I think the mid matchups in any team is mostly dependant on how they communicate with the team to gain advantages. If either of us beat each-other I would expect it from the communication with jungler or having other laners help us out.
Very interesting, looking forward to the set. Is there any team that you are really looking forward to facing out of the rest of the teams in the NA Challenger Series?
There is no team in particular that I’m looking forward to play against that much, but if there was one team to choose it would definitely be eUnited, primarily because of Ram “Brokenshard” Djemal, the coach for the squad.
Speaking of these games, how is the atmosphere before and during the game? Is there a player on the team who helps keep you guys motivated when games are not going as well as you planned?
The atmosphere is good and I think it is getting even better with each week. I think that our coach, Ednilson “Jukaah” Vargas, is very motivating and gives seriousness to a sometimes amateur-ish scene.
Now you're a player that has not only been in the NA Challenger Series for some time and have even been promoted to the LCS once, yet you still haven't been given a shot to compete at the LCS stage. Why do you think that is and is this going to be the split that you make it and keep that spot?
Lots of mid-lane talent comes from other regions where I would consider more mid players are. Since the playerbase is lower in North America, it's harder to improve from being a nobody into becoming a someone without being a prodigy. I hope to one day be able to play in LCS, and I would always want to play in LCS by winning my way into a spot.
I'm sure you will be there one day, and hopefully soon. Have you played any of the reworked assassins recently? Are you thinking of showing one off during NACS?
Yeah I enjoy playing any of the new assassins and hope I can play them in one of the sets this coming weeks.
Maybe we can see it tonight! Thank you so much for the interview, Be sure to catch Pekin Woof and his team, Big Gods eSports tonight at 8PM EST here: http://watch.na.lolesports.com/en_US/na-challenger/en
Be sure to follow Pekin Woof and his team at:
Albert "Ace" Pariente-Cohen is a freelance esports writer who primarily writes about League of Legends. You can follow him here!