Nautilus is a very hard and very tough champion, especially in current meta. He is the best teamfight initiator, he is the king of AoE with almost all his skills possessing the ability of crowd control. Starting from Root, Hook, Slow, Stun, and also Knock-up was owned by Nautilus.
Although he is currently nerf, Nautilus remains a very over-power champion with a very good defending side, very hard, hard to kill, and who is not behind him because he has the most crowd control skills. Beyond that, Nautilus's passive ability makes it possible to combine the potential power of items very well.
Even while in teamfight, Nautilus was able to give Root effect to his enemy with just one hit. He is also able to provide continuous damage and slow effects by using E. Plus, now Ulti Nautilus is able to give a uniform Knock-Up effect on every enemy passed by his Depth Charge.
With all the skills that Nautilus has had, it's very clear that he will be very troublesome to the enemy team in teamfight. Never forget Titan's Wrath that will be a weapon and a Nautilus toughness shield, this skill helps him in maintaining the fight, making him more sustain, and certainly capable of being such a hard shield for the team.
But to be able to play Nautilus very well, you all need to know when the time is right for engage and disengage while in teamfight. Because Nautilus is very important role as an initiator in teamfight. Then how the right mechanism if you want to play Nautilus? Here's a little tips from us for you all to optimize the advantages of Nautilus.
Laning Phase
Many players always complain about the clearwave of Nautilus, because according to them Nautilus is a champion that is difficult to farming well. Obviously all opinions are wrong, because in fact for the class of champion tank Nautilus pretty good in clearwave.
- The first thing you should look at when doing farming is to regulate the movement of minions.
- Try to not rush while doing Auto Attack against the minion, move around the enemy's minion and your melee minion, if the enemy's health minion is at 50% try using E (keep all minions from damage from E) then use AA To last-hit.
Why should it be so?
Because the basic attack of Nautilus can inflict 8-110 damage (based on level) of physical damage bonus and give Root effect to its target for 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 sec. This effect can not occur on the same target more than once every few seconds. Well, for this reason Nautilus auto attack is very good attack to give the last attack on the minion. But for the next attack he will not be able to inflict great damage, therefore you should do the first auto attack on the target for last-hit minion.
- Never use Q when it is not needed. Most of those who first tried to play Nautilus had a tendency to use Q recklessly, which was not really necessary at the time. Q from Nautilus has a pretty long cooldown plus which is quite a lot of usage - besides this skill is also very much useful. Therefore don't ever waste Q that is owned by Nautilus if it's not very necessary.
- Try to disturb enemies who are trying to farming by using E. And approach enemies who try to last-hit your minions, then start using AA - or you can use W first and then use AA (to get bonus magic damage from W).
- Trading, use E - AA - then back off - E - wait for the passive cooldown to finish - then back forward - W+AA - E. If you can win trading while the enemy is trying to escape, try using E again if it's still affordable. But if it is far enough you can use Q and do AA+E.
- When your friends try to help by doing a gank, go forward to the enemy then use AA - E - AA - E - and if passive cooldown is done then use W - AA - Q - E. Use R if your friend is able to inflict damage to kill the enemy.
When the game has started running towards mid and late, the strength and toughness of Nautilus has begun to be seen from here. With only two to three items can make Nautilus really become a very strong champion tank. And with this also, he was able to dive to help Mid and Botlane. But keep in mind, when you try to dive, You should try to have friends who can be made backups, because although Nautilus is very strong but the damage that he produced is not too big. So keep your teammates to be able to backup Nautilus, so when Nautilus starts doing dive, your friends especially ADC, APC, or Assassin, can do enough damage to attack the target.
- If you want to try to do a dive, try to condition your minion to have walked in the middle of the lane and start forward to the front; Use Q (target to carry) - W+AA - E, when the enemy is aligned in a straight line use R (on the most rear enemy) so that the effects of Depth Charge can be uniformly distributed to all enemies - then allow the suppliers of damage from your team to finish them one by one.
- Teamfight combo. Generally when teamfight, the Tank is always in front, when you want to start a battle look at the condition around, whether your carry is ready or not. And generally, the enemies carry is far behind the Tank - to outsmart the conditions so that you can get closer to the enemies carry, you can use Q to pull the enemy Tank and ignore it - and start forward to the carry and use R - E - W+AA (look for the lowest or ADC) - E - use active item - AA (try to give root effect to all enemies) let your team carry to supply the biggest damage.
All you need to remember to start teamfight, try to see the circumstances around you and try to get teammates especially the carry to backup you; So that when Nautilus begins to enter the middle of the battle there is a teammate who began to give damage to finish all enemies. In order for Nautilus was able to survive longer when teamfight and not die in vain.
- The R and Q of Nautilus are great for engage or disengage, so use both these skills right at the right time. Don't occasionally use this skill with no uncertain purpose.
- You can use R to help friend of your team who are being chased by enemies, and can keep the enemy away from your friends using Q.
- In teamfight time, Nautilus's role is as frontline and initiator, try to capture all enemies first. And Nautilus can last the longest when the teamfight and able to protect your team carry very well.
- Protecting the carry is not just a duty for supporters, because Nautilus has good AoE and CC skills, so he's also very important to keep his team safe and not killed. Proverbial if you use Nautilus then you are a shield for the team, a combat ship that relies on the anchor.
More or less, that's some tips that we can give to all of you. Hopefully the tips we provide can be useful and good luck folks!
Nautilus is a very hard and very tough champion, especially in current meta. He is the best teamfight initiator, he is the king of AoE with almost all his skills possessing the ability of crowd control. Starting from Root, Hook, Slow, Stun, and also Knock-up was owned by Nautilus.
Although he is currently nerf, Nautilus remains a very over-power champion with a very good defending side, very hard, hard to kill, and who is not behind him because he has the most crowd control skills. Beyond that, Nautiluss passive ability makes it possible to combine the potential power of items very well.
Even while in teamfight, Nautilus was able to give Root effect to his enemy with just one hit. He is also able to provide continuous damage and slow effects by using E. Plus, now Ulti Nautilus is able to give a uniform Knock-Up effect on every enemy passed by his Depth Charge.
With all the skills that Nautilus has had, its very clear that he will be very troublesome to the enemy team in teamfight. Never forget Titans Wrath that will be a weapon and a Nautilus toughness shield, this skill helps him in maintaining the fight, making him more sustain, and certainly capable of being such a hard shield for the team.
But to be able to play Nautilus very well, you all need to know when the time is right for engage and disengage while in teamfight. Because Nautilus is very important role as an initiator in teamfight. Then how the right mechanism if you want to play Nautilus? Heres a little tips from us for you all to optimize the advantages of Nautilus.
Laning Phase
Many players always complain about the clearwave of Nautilus, because according to them Nautilus is a champion that is difficult to farming well. Obviously all opinions are wrong, because in fact for the class of champion tank Nautilus pretty good in clearwave.
The first thing you should look at when doing farming is to regulate the movement of minions. Try to not rush while doing Auto Attack against the minion, move around the enemys minion and your melee minion, if the enemys health minion is at 50% try using E (keep all minions from damage from E) then use AA To last-hit.Why should it be so?
Because the basic attack of Nautilus can inflict 8-110 damage (based on level) of physical damage bonus and give Root effect to its target for 0.5 / 0.75 / 1 / 1.25 / 1.5 sec. This effect can not occur on the same target more than once every few seconds. Well, for this reason Nautilus auto attack is very good attack to give the last attack on the minion. But for the next attack he will not be able to inflict great damage, therefore you should do the first auto attack on the target for last-hit minion.
Never use Q when it is not needed. Most of those who first tried to play Nautilus had a tendency to use Q recklessly, which was not really necessary at the time. Q from Nautilus has a pretty long cooldown plus which is quite a lot of usage - besides this skill is also very much useful. Therefore dont ever waste Q that is owned by Nautilus if its not very necessary. Try to disturb enemies who are trying to farming by using E. And approach enemies who try to last-hit your minions, then start using AA - or you can use W first and then use AA (to get bonus magic damage from W). Trading, use E - AA - then back off - E - wait for the passive cooldown to finish - then back forward - W+AA - E. If you can win trading while the enemy is trying to escape, try using E again if its still affordable. But if it is far enough you can use Q and do AA+E. When your friends try to help by doing a gank, go forward to the enemy then use AA - E - AA - E - and if passive cooldown is done then use W - AA - Q - E. Use R if your friend is able to inflict damage to kill the enemy.Teamfight
When the game has started running towards mid and late, the strength and toughness of Nautilus has begun to be seen from here. With only two to three items can make Nautilus really become a very strong champion tank. And with this also, he was able to dive to help Mid and Botlane. But keep in mind, when you try to dive, You should try to have friends who can be made backups, because although Nautilus is very strong but the damage that he produced is not too big. So keep your teammates to be able to backup Nautilus, so when Nautilus starts doing dive, your friends especially ADC, APC, or Assassin, can do enough damage to attack the target.
If you want to try to do a dive, try to condition your minion to have walked in the middle of the lane and start forward to the front; Use Q (target to carry) - W+AA - E, when the enemy is aligned in a straight line use R (on the most rear enemy) so that the effects of Depth Charge can be uniformly distributed to all enemies - then allow the suppliers of damage from your team to finish them one by one. Teamfight combo. Generally when teamfight, the Tank is always in front, when you want to start a battle look at the condition around, whether your carry is ready or not. And generally, the enemies carry is far behind the Tank - to outsmart the conditions so that you can get closer to the enemies carry, you can use Q to pull the enemy Tank and ignore it - and start forward to the carry and use R - E - W+AA (look for the lowest or ADC) - E - use active item - AA (try to give root effect to all enemies) let your team carry to supply the biggest damage.All you need to remember to start teamfight, try to see the circumstances around you and try to get teammates especially the carry to backup you; So that when Nautilus begins to enter the middle of the battle there is a teammate who began to give damage to finish all enemies. In order for Nautilus was able to survive longer when teamfight and not die in vain.
The R and Q of Nautilus are great for engage or disengage, so use both these skills right at the right time. Dont occasionally use this skill with no uncertain purpose. You can use R to help friend of your team who are being chased by enemies, and can keep the enemy away from your friends using Q. In teamfight time, Nautiluss role is as frontline and initiator, try to capture all enemies first. And Nautilus can last the longest when the teamfight and able to protect your team carry very well. Protecting the carry is not just a duty for supporters, because Nautilus has good AoE and CC skills, so hes also very important to keep his team safe and not killed. Proverbial if you use Nautilus then you are a shield for the team, a combat ship that relies on the anchor.More or less, thats some tips that we can give to all of you. Hopefully the tips we provide can be useful and good luck folks!