

Bdd and Clid complete Gen. G’s 2020 roster

DreXxiN 2019-11-20 07:32:42
  Only two moons ago, the majority of Gen. G's roster had been removed, signaling a rebuild for the Korean organization. The middling squad's main bottom duo of Kim "Life" Jeong-Min and Park "Ruler" Jae-hyuk have remained in the 2020 line-up, having had their contracts extended through 2020 and 2022 respectively. The organization finished 7th place in LCK Spring's 2019 season, improving to a 6th place finish in LCK 2019 summer. Having picked up some of the top free agents in the market going forward, time will tell where the team ends up next year.
Michale 'Drexxin' Lalor is the Editor-in-Chief of Esports Heaven. You can follow him on Twitter at @ESHDrexxin.

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