

CLG suffer more fines for poaching ZionSpartan

DreXxiN 2015-01-06 10:02:55

Following previous fines for poaching and account sharing, CLG faces penalties once again for poaching ZionSpartan.

After their investigation, Riot Games has determined that CLGs attempts at poaching Darshan ZionSpartan Upadhyaya had indeed gone through while the player was still contracted to Dignitas.  This is following a $10,000 fine that was charged against the team for poaching Zionspartans head coach on Dignitas, William Scarra Li. 

In addition to a $2,500 fine charged to Counter Logic Gaming as a whole and $2,000 fine charged specifically to Yiliang Doublelift Peng, Zionspartan will not be eligible to participate in the first week of LCS 2015 Spring as the starting top laner alongside Scarra.

Source - Riot Games


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